Thursday, 17 May 2012

Life With Lady L

So I have been pretty slack in my blogging lately! Uhuh! 
Time flies by so quickly! I know this is no excuse but it will do for now till i find a better one! 
For the 1st time in a while i have a pretty easy relaxed day so i thought i would make a post for you guys! 

As some of you may know what i am about, i think its time i re-introduce myself!

My name is Lady L, i am a young lesbian who loves ice-cream and chocolate even though I'm lactose intolerant, Who loves to be fit and healthy but never goes to the gym- i just pay a ridiculous monthly fee!
I have incredible people around me which make me ME and I'm driven by dreams, goals and heart! 

Coming out when i was 17 and going through life's challenging, nasty but beautiful obstacles i discovered a path i felt i had to follow- a purpose, a gift, a reason!
I let it sit there untouched for years while a hop skipped and jumped through friendships, relationships and jobs! 
Finally, free from baggage and emotional distraction i found myself at a place ready to take on a whole new level of responsibility, always knowing there was something else out there.
I trusted my instinct and ignored any fears.
I wanted to stand out and step forward from the crowd and be somebody who can motivate, inspire and positively influence not only the gay and lesbian community but PEOPLE as a whole!

Can i do this? Id always ask myself?
Am i good enough?
Do i have what it takes?

....... i still have no idea, but i don't need to know.
The answers to my questions don't come by sitting here searching, pondering or hopping on Google!

You just have to DO IT.
So I pushed my 'restart' button! 

I studied Life Coaching because i wanted to understand people and be a better person for my friends and family! I was always the one to give advice, be the shoulder and open my hand.
I want to give to good people and I felt like this needed to be shared on a much wider perspective! 

Having music as my number one, i picked up a microphone for the 1st time in years and started working on all aspects of my singing and performance! 
Making music is what i live for and having the opportunity to share something that ignites all senses of the body is indescribable!  

In-fact- singing 1 song to someone can result in the same outcome a counselling session would.
It has the ability to create change, provide space for growth, inspire and open doors which moments ago seemed dead-locked. 

This is where Lady L was discovered- LOTL Magazine and i collaborated and launched into the 'scene' working alongside amazing DJs, dancers, entertainers and many more talented and exotic people! 

Through my appearance in the night-life of Sydney, shows, events and launches i have come across so many people who share with me different stories, different opinions different feelings- Im here to talk, to make a difference, to be a role-model in our community! 

To have the opportunity to stand in front of a crowd and sing heart to heart, talk with no fakeness or fiction, to make someone smile just by singing a track in a corner of a cafe is all i need to make any rainy day fill up with sunshine!

Wanna know something?

Performing Solo for you guys is like having sex! 
Its the BEST feeling!
I don't ever want it to end, feels like I'm floating!
I come off on a high! My body rushing with adrenalin and y'all are smiling at me! :-P

(I'm grinning cheekily as i write this) 

I have to make this blog short and sweet as i have decided to write this in the most rushed moment but i had to get this to you! Don't hate me! :-) 
You'll get to know i do everything the most difficult way! Just how i do! 

I will try and write as many influential blogs as i can as i feel its important to us! 
But i do need your input! 
Tell me what you want and i will do what i can to write about it! :-)

So i hope to see you all at my shows, performances, events and whatever else may pop up along the way! Come and say hi! People are my favourite thing and meeting more of you would make me one happy girl! :-) 

I Will be posting up some videos soon and keep you updated on whats happening next!
I just want to welcome all the new 'LIKERS' to my page! You will have lots of fun! 
Don't be shy! Just Be YOU!

Thankyou for all your support, your love and kind words! You all mean a lot to me! 


Love your Lady 